An essential place to visit during the holiday season, Complexe Desjardins looked to convert increased traffic into tangible sales in its stores. With this in mind, SGM highlighted the offerings of retailers by adopting a hybrid approach—digital and “drive-to-store,” and the Box of Ideas.


The concept?

An interactive screen guiding customers with their gift purchases, both on-site and online, thanks to its filters—by category, price and recipient type. Whether it’s a last-minute hostess gift, a surprise for grandma or a little something for someone who has everything, the device offered 500 carefully selected finds from the Centre’s stores.


The Box of Ideas also served as a decorative piece that fit perfectly into the holiday atmosphere at Complexe Desjardins. This custom-made design accommodated three interactive terminals to make shopping easier.


The results?

A winning idea! Nearly 50% of people who interacted with the system submitted their email addresses to receive their suggested gift ideas.

We look forward to partnering with you.